Site testing and commissioning, checking and auditing of the hearing augmentation system installed is an integral part of HLM to achieve a standard compliant loop systems that provide a genuine benefit to the hearing-impaired users.

Like all systems and equipment, regular maintenance are recommended to ensure the augmentation system continue to perform and comply with relevant standards.

What Is Test Maintenance? A Guide To Keeping Tests Healthy | Perfecto by Perforce

The purpose of installing a hearing augmentation system is to help the hearing impaired users to hear high quality sound, and to remove unwanted background noise.  An induction loop makes a big difference to users only if it is turned on and adjusted correctly.

System faults can very easily go unnoticed as an augmentation system is designed to be both invisible and inaudible to anyone without a hearing aid. Therefore, it may not be reported by the hearing impaired users as they find communication too difficult and will simply choose to leave.

Auditing and testing an augmentation system may become necessary for reasons such as damage to the loop cable, ‘janitorial’ adjustments to the amplifier settings, amplifier malfunction or simply because a fault has been reported by a hearing impaired user.

It is essentially up to the facility managers or colleagues to perform regular simple checks to ensure that the system is turned on and operating properly.

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